“The Lord’s love never ends; His mercies never stop. They are new every morning.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)

❤️ Our Beginnings ❤️

Step into our Storybook of Memories.

Abe❤️Giovanna Espiritu (2024)

❤️ 2023 ❤️

Our lifetime love story is bringing happiness, joy, and the sweetness of God’s love to each other, creating whimsical memories to always be treasured like rare gems. And to carry these sacred values to whomever we meet throughout our lifetime.

We met on a hot summer day in September 1964 at San Diego City College. I was 17 and Abe 19, both excited about the adventures of life. Our 1st date was at Jack in the Box. It’s walking distance from the school. We shared a bag of hot salted French fries and toasted to God with our small box of cold milk raised it high as if to touch heaven saying to God to travel around the world. This was the beginning of our sweet love story.

We are blessed with 4 beautiful God-loving children, 7 sweet as honey grandchildren, and one bubbling great grandchild. We live in the beautiful state of Texas, loving every day of it.

We’ve traveled the world during my husband’s 20 yr Air Force Career. It was the most amazing experience for our young family to enjoy many natural beauties and cultures. Most of all, to learn how blessed we are to be an American.

Our cup overflows with blessing from above. We are grateful for each day.

“Be joyful in hope, be patient in tribulations, be constant in prayer.” (Romans 12:12)